Hello, my name is
Aruna Priyankara
I'm a

About me

I'm Aruna and I'm a

Welcome to my portfolio website! My name is Aruna Priyankara, and I am currently pursuing a Software Engineering undergraduate degree at the Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology (SLIIT).

With a passion for web development, I have gained considerable experience in the software engineering field, and I am constantly seeking out new opportunities to hone my skills and knowledge. My expertise includes working with a variety of programming languages, such as Java, Python, JavaScript, and SQL.

Apart from my technical interests, I have a creative hobby of photography, which allows me to express myself and view the world in a unique way. I enjoy capturing moments and scenes that evoke emotions and tell a story through my lens.

Photo Gallary Aruna Priyankara Photography

My Projects

Insurance Management System

Create Insurance management system Web application using HTML + CSS + PHP + SQL



Online Booking system

This is a full web application. We used React, Express js, Node js and MongoDB for develop this web application. Our project contains User management, Hotel management, Room management and vehicle management. In this project my contributions are Hotel Management system and Home page,. This web application has CRUD operation and generate report function. I have done frontend and backend in this project https://github.com/ArunaAP/BookingApp_01

Tea Factory Management System

This is a full web application. We used React, Express js, Node js and MongoDB for develop this web application. Our project contains eight functionalites. In this project my contributions are Inventory management system And Home section. This web application has CRUD operation and generate report function. I have done frontend and backend in this project. https://github.com/IT2080-ITP-2022-Feb/itp_project_group_b3-wd_b03_itp_16/tree/IT20657796

React    Node.js

Express   MySQL

Fitness App (HELTHIFY)

This is a mobile android application development project. This application is about an Fitness application . We used to android studio tool for develop this project. This application was dveloped in java and SQLite. This project contains BMI Calculator, Calorie Calculator, Body fat calculator and Body shape calculator. My contribution of this project was Calorie Calclator. In this project I worked in frontend and backend. https://github.com/ArunaAP/Team_Bytecode/tree/main/Healthify

Cake Ordering App(EeatMe)

This is a mobile application development project. This application is about an Cake Ordering App . We used to React Native for develop this project. This application was dveloped in ReactJs and Firebase. My contribution of this project was Manager dashboard. https://github.com/ArunaAP/CakeOrderingApp

My Skills

My creative skills & expriences.

I am Aruna Priyankara. I am 23 years old. And I am Currently reading BSc (Hons) Degree in IT specializing in Software Engineering at Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology (SLIIT). And I am also doing RPA development course at UI path academy and AI/ML course at SLIIT


Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology (SLIIT)
BSc(Hons) in Information Technology Specializing in Software Engineering | 2020 - Present

Devananda Central Collage – Mirahawatte.
G.C.E. Advanced Level (Commerce) - 2019 G.C.E. Ordinary Level - 2015

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HTML 80%
CSS 90%
JavaSript 70%
React js 80%
MySQL 60%

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